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Tag Archives: travel

Plenty of things about Disneyland make me happy: the thrilling rides, the delicious food, the artistic details at every turn, my 9-year-old’s joy while hugging a wookie, my 12-year-old’s awe after viewing the fireworks.  Our family navigated Disneyland this summer Read more…

When my brain woke up at 4:30 a.m. Thursday morning, it tossed and turned a wide range of need-to-dos: scheduling a work project actually outside my control, catching up on yesterday’s errands, up-potting young plants that have one by one Read more…

When I step into my Tucson backyard and an aromatic concoction of thick moisture, sun-warmed wood, and breezy coolness greets my nose, another place co-exists in my mind: San Diego.  Since annual summer trips to that coastal city as a Read more…

“Did this stick come from a TREE?” asked my 4-year-old. He accepted my affirmation thoughtfully, then inched along the trail again with an 18” pine bough in his grip. “This stick”, along with promises of ice cream, motivated him for Read more…

